Fellow Past Pupils,
I am delighted and honoured to take up the role as Union President for 2024/25 and would especially like to thank the members for placing their trust in me.
I would also like to thank all my predecessors for their excellent stewardship of the Union since its incorporation in 1984, particularly those I have worked with – Maurice Murphy, Stephen Taylor, Phil Smith and especially our outgoing president, Patrick McMahon. Patrick has done an exceptional job in particular with his support for the class of 23.
The Role of the Union
The Union’s purpose is to support past pupils of Saint Michael’s in a range of ways across the years after we leave school. Some of my happiest memories and greatest friendships were formed in St. Michael’s and the importance of staying connected, helping each other and remembering shared experiences cannot be underestimated.
This year we have brought on a number of new members to the Committee and a special welcome to Greg McWilliams, Brendan Menton, Niall Best, Andrew Murphy, John Gilsenan and Richard Tobin. I am keen that we engage with and remain relevant to more recent leavers and am therefore delighted that Richard (class of 23) and John (class of 22) have agreed to join the committee.
As we look to the year ahead our focus is to continue to deliver positive and well attended events, to foster and fuel the strong relationship with the current staff and pupils and to champion our benevolent fund, The Flaming Sword, who tirelessly work to help past pupils faced with all kinds of difficulties, in the true spirit of St. Michaels.
The recent publication of The Scoping Inquiry Report into non-recent cases of abuse included reference to records of cases of abuse at Saint Michael’s College and the Union urges anyone affected to contact Restore Together, the Spiritan/Holy Ghost past pupils’ advocacy group, which has a support programme for victims/ survivors, including professional therapy which is confidential and free-of-charge. Contact details are included in a Union statement on this matter.
Finally, I am delighted that Michael Mitchell (Class of 2000) has agreed to accept the position of Vice President of the Union. Michael has been a fantastic support to me already and I look forward to working with him and with the whole Committee and the wider Past Pupil community in the year ahead.
I look forward to meeting many of you during my term as President of the Union and would be delighted to hear from you with any suggestions on how we can improve the Union – bradleystephen@gmail.com
Warm regards,
Stephen Bradley (Class of 1996)